Tropical Rainforest Animals
Slow Loris
Slow Loris
Class: Mammalia: Mammals Diet: Insects, bird's eggs, small birds, shoots, fruit
Order: Primates: Primates 
Size: body:26 - 38 cm (10 1/4 - 15 in), tail: vestigial
Family: Lorisidae: Lorises Conservation Status: Endangered
Scientific Name: Nycticebus coucang Habitat: dense rainforest
Range: South and Southeast Asia: Eastern India to Malaysia; Sumatra, Java, Borneo, Philippines

Size of Slow LorisA plumper, shorter-limbed animal than its relative the slender loris, the slow loris is, however, similar in its habits. It spends the day sleeping up in a tree, its body rolled into a tight ball. At night, it feeds in the trees on insects, bird's eggs, small birds and shoots and fruit, seldom coming down to the ground. A slow, but accomplished, climber, its hands and feet are strong and capable of grasping tightly. It can even hang by its feet. The thumb and great toe are opposable to the other digits. Breeding takes place at any time of year, and 1 young, sometimes 2, is born after a gestation of 193 days. Slow lorises are thought to live in family groups.

Range of Slow Loris
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