Shorelines Animals

Herring Gull
Herring Gull
Class: Aves: Birds Diet: Fish, eggs, waste, young birds, small mammals
Order: Charadriiformes: Auks, Waders, Laris
Size: 55 - 66 cm (21 1/2 - 26 in)
Family: Laridae: Gulls, Terns Conservation Status: Non-threatened
Scientific Name: Larus argentatus Habitat: coasts, estuaries; inland water and fields
Range: Most of Northern hemisphere

Size of Herring GullThe commonest coastal gull in North America and Europe, the herring gull feeds on small surface fish, scavenges on waste and sewage, steals eggs and preys on young birds and small mammals. It also flies inland to feed on worms and other invertebrates.  Herring gulls nest in colonies on cliff slopes, islands or beaches. The nest is usually in the ground or is sometimes built in a tree or even on a building. The 2 or 3 eggs are incubated for 25 to 27 days by both parents. In their first year, the young have dark-brown plumage, and they do not attain full adult plumage for 3 years. Male and female adult birds look alike, but males are often larger.

Range of Herring Gull
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