Cactus Wren
Class: Aves: Birds |
Diet: Insects |
Passeriformes: Perching birds |
Size: body:18
- 22 cm (7 - 8 1/2 in) |
Family: Troglodytidae:
Wrens |
Conservation Status:
Non-threatened |
Scientific Name:
Campylorhynchus brunneicapillus |
Habitat: desert,
arid scrubland |
Southwestern U.S.A. to central Mexico |
largest North American wren, the cactus wren has a distinctive white stripe
over each eye and a longer-than-usual tail, which it does not normally
cock up. Cactus wrens frequent areas with thorny shrubs, cacti and trees
and forage mostly on the ground around vegetation for insects, such as
beetles, ants, wasps, and grasshoppers, and occasionally lizards or small
frogs. Some cactus fruit and berries and seeds are also eaten. The wrens
can run swiftly but usually fly if traveling any distance. Nests are made
for roosting in at night and for shelter in bad weather. The breeding season
begins in March or April, and there may be two or three broods. The nest
is a bulky, domed structure, made of plant fibers, twigs and dead leaves,
with a tubelike side entrance that can be up to 15 cm (6 in) long; it is
lined with fur or feathers. The nest is situated on a prickly cholla cactus
or amid the sharp leaves of a yucca or other thorny bush. From 3 to 7 eggs,
usually 4 to 5, are laid and then incubated by the female for about 16