Grassland Animals

Greater Prairie Chicken

Greater Prairie Chicken

Class: Aves: Birds Diet: Plants
Order: Galliformes: Gamebirds
Size: body:42 - 46 cm (16 1/2 - 18 in)
Family: Tetraonianae: Grouse Conservation Status: Vulnerable
Scientific Name: Tympanuchus cupido Habitat: prairie
Range: Central North America 

Size of Greater Prairie ChickenThis increasingly rare bird was once common over a large area of North America. Male and female birds look similar, but females have barred tail feathers and smaller neck sacs. Prairie chickens feed on plant matter, such as leaves, fruit and grain, and in the summer they catch insects, particularly grasshoppers. Male birds perform spectacular courtship displays, inflating their orange neck feathers. They give booming calls and stamp their feet as they posture, to make the display even more impressive. Female birds lay 10 to 12 eggs and incubate them for 21 to 28 days.

Range of Greater Prairie Chicken
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