Black-tailed Prairie Dog
Class: Mammalia:
Mammals |
Diet: Grass |
Rodentia: Rodents |
Size: body:
28 - 32 cm (11 - 12 1/2 in), tail: 8.5 - 9.5 cm (3 1/4 - 3 3/4 in) |
Family: Sciuridae:
Squirrels |
Conservation Status: Non-threatened
Scientific Name:
Cynomys ludovicianus |
Habitat: grassland
(prairie) |
Central USA |
prairie dog derives its common name from its stocky, terrierlike appearance
and from its sharp, doglike bark, which it utters to herald danger. One
of the most social rodent species, prairie dogs live in underground burrows,
called towns, containing several thousand individuals. They emerge by day
to graze on grass and other vegetation and can often cause serious damage
to cattle ranges. Feeding is regularly interrupted for bouts of socializing,
accompanied by much chattering. Females give birth to litters of up to
10 young during March, April or May, after a 4-week gestation. After being
weaned at 7 weeks, the young disperse to the edge of the town. Prairie
dogs are commonly preyed on by eagles, foxes and coyotes.