Taiga Facts
Biome Precipitation Comparison GraphIn the taiga, the average temperature is below freezing for six months of the year. Total yearly precipitation in the taiga is 12 - 33 inches (30 - 85 centimeters). Although the cold winters have some snowfall, most of the precipitation comes during the warm, humid summer months. 
Taiga Temperatures
  Low High
Winter -65 F (-54 C) 30 F (-1 C)
Summer 20 F (-7 C) 70 F (21 C)

Because of the tilt of the earth on its axis, in the taiga you'll find long nights in the winter and long days in the summer. 

During the summer months, the taiga fills up with millions of insects. Birds, who eat insects, migrate every year for the plentiful food supply.

The taiga is prone to wildfires. Many trees have adapted to this by growing thick bark, which can protect a tree from a mild fire.

Because of cool temperatures decomposition is slow in the taiga. Undecayed vegetation builds up on the forest floor, making it feel like a sponge. Since decomposition is slow, the soil is thin and lacking in nutrients. Trees grow taller where warmer temperatures allow for faster decompostion or by streams and rivers which carry nutrients from higher ground. 

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