Tundra Animals
Arctic Fox

Arctic Fox

Class: Mammalia: Mammals Diet: Birds, rodents
Order: Carnivora: Carnivores 
Size: body:46 - 68 cm (18 - 26 3/4 in), tail: up to 35 cm (13 3/4 in)
Family: Canidae: Dogs, Foxes Conservation Status: Non-threatened
Scientific Name: Alopex lagopus Habitat: tundra, open woodland
Range: Arctic regions of Europe, Asia and North America

Size of Arctic FoxOne of the few truly arctic mammals, the arctic fox has well-furred feet and small, rounded ears. It feeds on ground-dwelling birds, lemmings and other small rodents and also eats the leftovers from polar bear kills and carrion, such as stranded marine animals. 

Arctic FoxArctic Fox in BurrowBurrows, usually in the side of a hill or cliff, provide shelter, but arctic foxes do not hibernate and can withstand temperatures as low as -50 degrees C (-58 degrees F). A litter of 4 to 11 young is born in May or June after a gestation of 51 to 57 days. They are cared for by both parents.

Range of Arctic Fox

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