Brief History of the Website In the summer of 2002, the Missouri Botanical Garden gained ownership of the website and videos from Ask Jeeves. In early 2005, the Garden launched it's newest addition to the MBGnet site: The Biology of Plants. This site is based the Biology of Plants video series, geared to grades K-3.
The original credits for the MBGnet website follow: Concept and Content: Elizabeth Schwartz, Ph. D., The Evergreen Project; Larry DeBuhr, Ph. D., Director of Education for the Missouri Botanical Garden; and Barbara Addelson, Manager of Science Outreach, Education Division, Missouri Botanical Garden. Design, Programming, Illustrations and Layout: Ran Mano, New Media Designer, The Evergreen Project, Inc. Editing & Marine Plant & Algae Illustrations: Suzanne Bardon, The Evergreen Project, Inc. Photo Credits: Evergreen Project Staff, The Missouri Botanical Garden photo libraries, Missouri Department of Natural Resources, Corel Photo Library on CD-ROM. Most animal data and pictures come courtesy of The Multimedia Animal Encyclopedia and Romtech, Inc. Special thanks to Alan Tucker and Chris Freeland of the Garden's Research Division for support and use of their server. Additional Photo Credits: Broderbund ClickArt 200,000 Image Pak, Hemera Photo Objects 50,000 Premium Image Collection.