Harbor Seal
Class: Mammalia:
Mammals |
Diet: Fish, squid,
crustaceans |
Pinnipedia: Pinnipeds |
Size: 1.4
- 1.8 m (4 1/2 - 6 ft) |
Family: Phocidae:
Seals |
Conservation Status:
Non-threatened |
Scientific Name:
Phoca vitulina |
Habitat: temperate
and subarctic coastal waters |
North Atlantic and North Pacific Oceans |
harbor seal has a proportionately large head and short body and flippers.
Although often gray with dark blotches, these seals vary considerably in
coloration, and spots may be light gray to dark brown or black. Males are
larger than females. Generally nonmigratory, the harbor seal often hauls
out on protected tidal rocks and even travels up rivers and into lakes.
It feeds mostly during the day on fish, squid and crustaceans and has been
known to make dives lasting 30 minutes, although they normally last only
4 or 5 minutes. Courtship and mating take place in water. The single
pup is closely guarded by its mother and suckles for 2 to 6 weeks. Born
in an advanced state of development, the pup can swim from birth and dive
for 2 minutes when 2 or 3 days old. After weaning, the pup is left alone,
and the mother mates again.