California Sea Lion
Class: Mammalia:
Mammals |
Diet: Fish, octopus,
squid |
Pinnipedia: Pinnipeds |
Size: 1.7
- 2.2 m (5 1/2 - 7 1/4 ft) |
Family: Otariidae:
Sea Lions |
Conservation Status:
Non-threatened |
Scientific Name:
Zalophus californianus |
Habitat: breeds on
coasts and islands in south of range |
Pacific coasts: British Columbia to Mexico; Galapagos Islands |
attractive sea lion takes well to training and is the most commonly seen
species in circuses and marine shows. Females and juveniles are tan-colored
when dry, while the larger males are brown; males are also distinguished
by the horny crest on their heads. Social animals, these sea lions occur
in groups and often come onto land outside the breeding season. They feed
on fish, octopus and squid. Males gather at a breeding site but only
establish territories when the females arrive and start to give birth;
territories are ill defined and somewhat unstable. The female produces
1 young and mates again a few days later.